More About Georgiann
Immediate Improvement for Your Business with One Free Phone Call
Top rated internet management consultant will teach listeners how to combine good business sense with the laws of energetic attraction to boost their business and career. Georgiann will take calls from the listeners on the Achieve internet radio station which hosts the talk show “Innerviews” with Kimmie and Steve.
Winston Salem, NC (PRWEB) April 18, 2007 – Georgiann will appear live on the Achieve internet radio station which hosts the talk show “Innerviews” with Kimmie Rose and Steve Marshall on Thursday, April 19, 2007 from 8:00 – 9:00 PM EST.
Georgiann will discuss her past and current experiences as one of the most popular entertainment and business management and marketing consultants on the internet, while she dispenses advice to the listeners calling in. “Innerviews” can be accessed by going to the Achieve Radio website at and clicking on the :listen live” icon. Listeners can call 888-235-7374 (US and Canada) or 480-240-7111 (Worldwide) to ask Georgiann a question.
As a teenager, Georgiann’s curiosity was aroused by several unexplained events. As she entered into adulthood, she had the freedom to explore with an unbiased attitude.
In 1993, she accepted a position to travel nationally with a radio psychic, receiving a “crash course” in the world of metaphysics. She gained a great understanding of the mysterious circumstances in her own life, and as a result learned how to combine this new knowledge with her previous business background to later form her own business, Kirico Management.
What started out as a management company focused in music, Georgiann found that Kirico was also attracting metaphysicians and a diverse clientèle through an internet live advice platform. Using her intuition and no nonsense approach to business, today Georgiann is one of the most popular and highest rated management and marketing consultants on the web.
Her approach is direct and easy to understand. Anyone and everyone will realize just how simple it can be to turn their career or business around.
“Everyone was born with a special talent, but most people don’t recognize the value in their gift because it comes naturally and easily to them. It was never meant to be difficult!” Georgiann says. She firmly believes if you are passionate about your life and your work, you are then on the road to fulfilling your purpose.
For more information on Georgiann visit her website at or to obtain a private and personalized consultation, go to