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Psychic Readings With Erin Shawn

This Week on Breaking Through - Erin Shawn -erinshawn
September 29, 2009 – 8PM EST

Psychic Readings With Erin

Breaking Through with Georgiann - Interview with Erin Shawn

Click the play button above to listen to the show!

Erin Shawn considers herself a world traveler who always knew she had psychic ability. It wasn’t until 1984 that her gifts became most apparent while living in Denmark, but she also had experiences of de´ja`-vu while living in France and Germany. She continued to develop her intuition while she studied to be a French teacher. She also has a Master’s in Reiki and Hypnotherapy with a specialty in Past Life Regressions. She believes that we all were born with intuition. Her job is to provide insight, details, and time frames, but the rest is up to the universe and your free will.

As a professional with over 20 years experience, Erin Shawn offers psychic readings that utilize her skills of Clairaudience, Clairsentience, Claircognizance, and Mediumship (Spirit Communication). During the course of her career she has given more than 18,000 telephone and personal readings for a worldwide clientele in areas such as Africa, Asia, Australia, Canada, Europe, India, Middle East, New Zealand, Norway, Central, Latin, North, and South America.

Call in to the live show to ask Erin Shawn a question (347) 215-8252

For more information, click here to learn more about Erin Shawn.

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CBS Interview with Dannion Brinkley

Dannion has been a regular guest on Breaking Through and we’re always delighted to have the opportunity to interview him. If you missed those shows here are the links to the posts about each one, the posts contain the interview audio so you can listen right here on the Breaking Through website.

Dannion Interview on Breaking Through,  June 24 2009
All About Dannion on Breaking Through,  May 12 2009
Dannion Interview on Breaking Through,  December 08 2008
Dannion Interview, 2 Hour Special on Breaking Through,  November 06 2007

Here is a video of Dannion talking to Harry Smith of CBS….Enjoy!

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Judy Higdon – Psychic Practitioner and Certified Hypnotherapist

This Week on Breaking Through - Judy Higdon -judyhigdon
September 22, 2009 – 8PM EST

Psychic Practitioner and Certified Hypnotherapist

Breaking Through with Georgiann - Interview with Judy Higdon

Click the play button above to listen to the show!

Judy Hidgon is a Psychic Practitioner, Intuitive Counselor, Certified Hypnotherapist, and Matrix Energetics Healer in practice since 1985.  Judy began this journey back in east Tennessee where she grew up, married and raised her family.  After leaving a 23 year marriage, she returned to school and received a degree in Communications, graduated and started her own video production company in Knoxville, Tennessee.

During that time, Judy met her first Metaphysical teacher and began her journey.  Fascinated with his late night channeling sessions Judy began to video tape them and the things she would see the following day during editing let her know that there are many more dimensions in this reality than the one she thought she knew.
Read the rest of this entry »

Psychics & Visionaries 1 Comment

ECOBAGS discount code ending soon

Sharon Rowe, CEO and Founder of ECOBAGS is offering all Breaking Through listeners a 15% discount on all orders placed by September 30, 2009.  Simply go to ECOBAGS to place your order.  Toward the end of the transaction, place your coupon code 09BT (case sensitive) to receive your discount.  It’s that easy!

Click on the title of this post ( ECOBAGS discount code ending soon) and you will find ways to share this discount with your friends via social networking sites and more!

Green Living 1 Comment

Sharon Feldman-Rowe – CEO and Founder of ECOBAGS

This week on Breaking Through - Sharon Feldman-Rowe -sharon-feldman-rowe
September 15, 2009 – 8PM EST

CEO and Founder of ECOBAGS

Breaking Through with Georgiann - Interview with Sharon Feldman-Rowe

Click the play button above to listen to the show! is a Woman-Owned and environmentally focused business that provides responsibly produced (fair wage and labor) and sustainable (Natural, Organic & Recycled) products at affordable prices. Re-useable, environmentally-friendly tote bags are the latest trend to carry your groceries, your kids’ lunches, and more.  Join Eco-bags founder & CEO Sharon Rowe as she talks about running the world’s hottest website for green shopping bags for every purpose, and making a huge difference in the world with her fun but important products.

How did she start her business?  What advice does she give to anyone looking to start a “green” business?

For more information, click here to learn more about ECOBAGS

Green Living 1 Comment