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The Soul’s Bridge – My New Book Has Been Released


As of today I am very excited to announce that my book, The Soul’s Bridge has been released! It’s available for purchase both here on my website, and at Click here to find out more about it, and please share this post with your friends. I will be posting again soon to let you know how you can download the ebook version.

I would be happy to autograph any books purchased through my website, just drop me a note and let me know at the time of ordering.
With affection,





Books and Authors, Psychics & Visionaries, Sprituality 2 Comments

My book, The Soul’s Bridge, is almost ready!

Georgiann Kiricoples

After several years of writing my book, at least eight years, but who’s counting? Breaking Through is on hiatus while The Soul’s Bridge, One Woman’s Journey through Life, Death, and Everything in Between is now in the process of publication.

I am currently working on my second book because it is equally as important as The Soul’s Bridge and I don’t have the conscience or energy to write books that aren’t meaningful because that would be a waste of everyone’s time.  I must confess it is a lot of work because I have to give it 100%.   Why bother writing if you aren’t going to give it your best effort?  I gave my heart and soul to The Soul’s Bridge, and now that I have all my ducks in a row, my next book won’t take nearly as long.  I look forward to connecting with all of you again VERY SOON!  I will offer more details on this website shortly.  It has been an interesting ride, as I wipe the sweat off my brow -  STAY TUNED!




Books and Authors, News 2 Comments

Blind Vision

This Week on Breaking Through  - Karen Fritz
July 19, 2011 – 8PM EST


Breaking Through with Georgiann - Interview with Karen Fritz

Click the play button above to listen to the show!

The Serial Killer: Sitting on the edge of a filthy mattress in a dilapidated house, the killer holds a jar filled with milky liquid – dark orbs bob inside it. The room is silent with the exception of his sing-song voice, “Peek-a-boo I see you.” He bursts into a crazed cackle of laughter then stops. His whisper is barely audible, “But you cant see me.” The Blind Psychic: Peter Cole moves into a boarding house on the wrong side of town. Thats when visions of women being mutilated and murdered start haunting his dreams. The Cop: Joe Carson left the FBI for life as a small town homicide de¬tective. When a serial killer moves into this quiet southern town, Carson is forced to make an unlikely alliance with Peter Cole. Together they must stop the killer before its too late. This is an excerpt from Karen Fritz’s book Blind Vision. Karen lives in North Carolina with her husband, two daughters and three dogs. Blind Vision is her debut novel. She is currently working on her second novel, Crossroads. Join Georgiann and Karen for a thrilling hour on next week’s Breaking Through!

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