Next Week on Breaking Through -Mike Michalowicz 
February 23, 2010 – 8PM EST
Breaking Through with Georgiann - Interview with Mike Michalowicz
Click the play button above to listen to the show!
The Toilet Paper Entrepreneur is long on down-to-earth, results-oriented action plans for the aspiring entrepreneur and short on commonly held but unrealistic or unnecessary “must haves.”
Championing the underdog and the under-funded, author
Mike Michalowicz describes the attributes of the Toilet Paper Entrepreneur, the scrappy, passionate, go-getters who are “TPing it,” getting by and growing big with little or no money – or experience.
The Toilet Paper Entrepreneur helps first-time entrepreneurs develop the qualities and beliefs they need to recognize and cultivate in order to succeed in business, explaining how to cut through excuses and pursue the business that sets their hearts afire.
Mike Michalowicz started his first business at the age of 24, moving his young family to the only safe place he could afford – a retirement village. With limited resources and no experience, he systematically bootstrapped a multi-million dollar technology business, sleeping in conference rooms to avoid hotel costs. After selling his first company, Mike launched a new business the very next day, and in less than three years, sold it to a Fortune 500.
He has received multiple entrepreneurship awards, including the SBA’s Young Entrepreneur of the Year. Mike is a recurring guest on CNBC’s The Big Idea with Donny Deutsch, ABC News, Fox News and other television programs. He has also been featured in Entrepreneur Magazine, US News & World Report, National Public Radio (NPR), the New York Times, and other publications.
On top of all that…he’s one funny guy! Tune in to hear his words of wisdom; Tuesday, February 23, 2010 8-9pm EST