In Business, It’s All About Who You Know
This Week on Breaking Through - Ed Wallace
December 21, 2010 – 8PM EST
Breaking Through with Georgiann - Interview with Ed Wallace
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While building strong relationships comes naturally to some people, others who are more technical or quantitative in nature sometimes have more difficulty.
Ed Wallace took note of this and did something about it. Ed founded The Relational Capital Group to bring his relationship-building principles to corporations and their client-facing professionals.
Individuals who learn how to identify and develop the key relationships that most impact their business performance have an advantage in the business world. These key relationships help each other build profitability and sustainability in the global marketplace.
In his new book, Business Relationships That Last, Ed illustrates his relationship-building principles through real-life stories, examples, and insights gathered from his success as a sales leader, and shows his readers how to establish and maintain successful business relationships.
Walk away from this episode with some powerful new tools to identify how to find those key people to build relationships with, how to build those relationships and ultimately prosper in today’s market.