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This Week on Breaking Through - Kelly Woodruffkelly
April 5
, 2011 – 8PM EST

Breaking Through with Georgiann - Interview with Kelly Woodruff

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Kelly Woodruff, though always a bit curious about alternative healing, wasn’t really in the market for another new career. But it found him.

In 2003, he attended two separate social events – where he was introduced to Reconnected Healers. By the time it happened the second time, he was curious enough to attend an introductory lecture. And, once there, he was more than intrigued and embarked on the full slate of Level l/ll/lll Reconnective Healing seminars. But it was when he went home and started working with friends that things really became interesting…his friends reported significant health improvements. Before long, people he didn’t know were booking appointments with him for Reconnective Healing sessions. Although he could not account for why it was happening, he knew something profound was taking place. Though it seemed to come easy to him, he still was unsure whether to really commit to a life as a Reconnective Healer.

“My bookkeeper experienced a healing from Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. Another client had a tumor reduced from 16 centimeters to six. And then there were three more astonishing cures in just a few days, so I finally gave in, saying: ‘If this is meant to be, then I will just go with it,’” says Woodruff.

He found within himself a deepening desire to help others and to assist in teaching them to discover and understand the work for themselves. He began to assist Dr. Eric Pearl, the founder of Reconnective Healing, at seminars, traveling throughout the United States, Canada and Europe.

Woodruff is now a graduate of the Reconnection Associate Instructor Program and he is one of only three people authorized by Dr. Pearl to teach the foundation work of Reconnective Healing.

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