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Love Colors: Love, Relationships & Auras

This Week on Breaking Through  - Pamala OsliePAMOSLIE
November 09, 2010 – 8PM EST

Breaking Through with Georgiann - Interview with Pamala Oslie

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Auras — the field of energy that surrounds each of us — contain important clues to our personalities and reveal the ways we relate to the world.
What if…you could take that understanding of auras one step further to help you find — and keep — your perfect mate?
Pamala Oslie can help you do just that. Pamala’s purpose in writing about the aura is to bring her knowledge to others, to enable them to understand how and why they process life in a particular way. The information encoded in the aura reveals helpful, life-altering information. It also gives people permission to be themselves, to become more allowing and accepting of themselves and others, while also learning effective ways of changing their unwanted behaviors and attitudes.

Learn more about Pamala Oslie on her website (click here) and her new dating website (click here)

Join Georgiann and Pamala and learn about the fascinating arena of auras and how you can use yours to find your perfect mate.

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